Saturday, August 27, 2011

Life has picked up!

My goodness, it has been a while since I last posted! My new job has got me working the most I ever have and I love it! It's a lot of work but totally worth it. I am trying to get in to the groove of everything, letting my body adjust to less sleep as I have to get up really early most days. I have a crazy week ahead of me but thankful that next weekend I will have a 4 day weekend to relax. Kristofer even took off Friday so we will both have a long weekend together. Who knows what we will do, but I'm excited!

About three weeks ago Kristofer and I finally got our little kitten! He is quite the entertainment in our house now! However, I am not too fond of him attacking me and chewing on my hair in the middle of the night. He also seems to think that my pillow is his pillow, so throughout the night I am battling for space as he is sprawled out around my head! But he is a sweet cat (he is currently napping beside me as I type). So I would like to formally introduce you to, Dexter!

He has already made himself right at home!

On to wedding news! The church is now booked in Sweden! Whoop Whoop! Now we need to figure out the reception area so I can get the invitations made and shipped to Sweden to be mailed out by Kristofer's family. Kristofer and I went to Ikea last weekend and I found candle stick holders there for $0.29 each. I got 20 to start out with. I am planning on spray painting them silver. I also got about 40 tea light holders. I may "frost" paint them, or get some kind of sticker to put on with our initials. Not sure yet, but I am happy I got more wedding decorations at a good price!

I am hoping to go dress shopping in the next coming weekends. I just have to get together with my parents and see what day works for them. I feel like there is so much to be done, yet I am running out of time! I know it will all come together, it's just trying to find the time to do everything!

Well I think that is pretty much it for now! I should take advantage of this time to do some research on more wedding stuff!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Life's Happenings

Well my first week of work was a success! I am starting to get into my routine of things and getting used to the boys schedules. They are very sweet boys and I am super excited to be their nanny. I think they are getting accustomed to me, as I am with them. It's always scary starting a new job as a nanny because you don't really know what to expect. Of course all parents will talk about how wonderful their children are, but everyone else around them may have a different story! I am thankful that I found out that these boys are genuinely sweet and fun! They have consistently made me laugh throughout the week! I am so thankful for this job!

Kristofer and I haven't made any huge plans in this past week regarding the wedding. With me getting used to my new work schedule and he studying for an exam, we really haven't had time. We have however, decided on our honeymoon destination! We are going to Venice, Italy! We are super excited about this! With it being winter we have read that it is a perfect time to go. All the tourists are gone, so it's not as busy and all the locals come out more. From looking at pictures online of snowy winters on the streets of Venice, I am hoping there will be snow when we are there. It will be just beautiful! I can't wait!

In other news, Kristofer and I have been anxiously waiting to adopt a little kitten. I have been dealing with someone from the Cat Coalition, however she has currently stopped returning my phone calls; which is extremely frustrating to say the least! So right now we are unsure if it is going to happen or not. Here is a picture I took of him when we went for a visit 3 weeks ago...

Isn't he a cutie? I think he is just now 7 weeks old. We are hoping it works out. It would be cool to have a cat again. They are fun little creatures!

Well that is pretty much it for now. I am hoping I have more wedding updates soon. Life has just got crazy and we only have five months left! Holy moley (as my sister, Cassie would say)!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Busy, Busy

Well I have had a delay in updating just because life has become busy, and its about to get a lot more crazy! Today I start my new job as a nanny for two little boys. I realized this weekend that this will be the first time I will be working five days a week in over four years! Over the past four years I have been working 25-40 hours/3-4 days a week. So this will be quite the change for me, since I have been used to having at least one day a week to get house work and grocery shopping done and not have to do it on my weekend. But I am super excited about this new job and really hope it lasts; I'm tired of looking for jobs!

Kristofer and I had a great weekend at home taking time to relax and we spent a lot of time playing board games (we are a bit of a geek kind of couple). We have also continued our wedding planning. Right now we are trying to find the best solution for dealing with all of the paperwork that is expected between both U.S. and Sweden in regards to making the marriage legal. There are a lot of things that have to be done and unfortunately the paperwork that is needed in Sweden needs to be turned in in person. So that is where we are at right now. We are just trying to get all of the information right now so we can find out the best way of going about everything. Who knew it would be so complicated to get married in another country!?!?

Last week I bought the rest of the scrapbooking paper needed to make the wedding invitations as well as a paper-cutter. And man alive, that thing is awesome!!! I got it from Michaels for $20 and it works wonderfully, making my life so much easier! I have already cut all of the paper. Now all I need is to find out where the receptions will be and what time we will be having the weddings and then I can start putting them together. Now that's exciting!

Today, August first has two meanings for my family. Fifteen years ago today my family made our move from North Carolina to Florida. I was so upset and sad that my parents moved us from a placed that I loved, but I am so thankful that God led us here. Had we not moved here, we never would have adopted my three little siblings and I wouldn't have met my Kristofer. Four wonderful things that made the move totally worth it.

Another thing that was worth the move was the fact that I got to live next door to my grandparents. That was such a wonderful time to get to just walk across the yard and go see my Grandma and Papa. Today also marks the day when my Papa went home to be with the Lord five years ago. It was such a sad day in our family. I think of him daily and miss him just as much as a did five years ago. I wish he were here to meet Kristofer. I wish he were here to watch me walk down the aisle. I just wish he were here! But I am happy to know that I will see him again! God is good!